It's that time of the year when the forest is Golden and the water levels are low and clear. It's my favorite time of the year to be in the nature and the fishing is also good, especially for grayling. I was this time fishing on the Neckar river, on a stretch where is also a golf club. It;s very nice to fish and walk through a green biliard like scenary. Fishing was hard but the small nymphs made the diferrence. I managed to catch some nice grayling and a couple of trout too. My wife came to film me and we made a small movie. I will try to do more in the future.
Autumn Flyfishing Video
luni, 30 octombrie 2017
sâmbătă, 25 februarie 2017
Cum se obtine permisul de pescuit in Germania

Raspunsul este evident Ciprinidele care au perioada de reproducere Aprilie-Iunie.
Ideea este ca facand chestionare te testezi singur si vezi daca esti pregatit sau nu. Daca nu iei examenul din primavara il poti da in toamna, fara sa mai platesti cursul si fara sa mai participi la orele de teorie. Eu am avut 57 de rapsunsuri corecte, fiind incepator la germana in momentul examenului, deci se poate. Costurile se ridica undeva la 250 de euro, taxa de insciere si cartile, nu este o avere, tinand cont ca permisul este valabil toata viata.
In concluzie zic sa nu ezitati sa va inscrieti la curs pentru ca apele din Germania sunt pline de pesti frumosi si daca locuim aici, este pacat sa nu facem ceea ce nu place.

vineri, 30 septembrie 2016
joi, 30 iunie 2016
joi, 12 mai 2016
2016 was a busy year for me so i didn't had so much time for fishing. But in the past two weeks i was out, one time on Nagold, and the other time on Enz. Both waters are in the Schwarzwald Mountains and are preety similar. Nagold is a tributary of the Enz, but it's also a preety big river. May is a month when the waters are still big, from the rains and from the snow up in the mountains, so the fishing was pretty hard. Most of the fishing i done with the nymph but on several occasions i caught fish with dry flyes as well. I tested my new nymph styck( 10 feet, #2) and i can say i'm very pleased with it. I caught some big barbels 50+ cm and it had put in a very good response to the barbels force.Enjoy the photos. Cheers!!!
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