marți, 26 februarie 2013

Muste de clean - Chub Flies

luni, 25 februarie 2013

Black Zulu

Hello all, here is a very simple fly, called Black Zulu. It is very good in chub flyfishing. Just try it
Materials i used:
-red yarn for the tail
-silver tinsel
-black and purple dubbing for the body
-a black cock feather and a partridge feather for the hackle

sâmbătă, 16 februarie 2013

BAAM!! Pike FlyFishing

 Am plecat pe un parau micut in cautarea unor cleni amortiti. Snur sinking, streamere mici, lestate. Dupa doua lanseuri, am atac hotarat, intep si imi dau seama ca e stiuca.O scot la lumina dar se intoarce si imi taie. Nice!! Pun struna cu gandul ca poate mai sare odata si lansez. Recuperez incet si baaam, e mare, chiar frumoasa, dar se baga dupa o creanga in apa, imi freaca tippetul(0,16) acolo si se duce. Pun un 0,25 si incep sa scot la ele. In total am scos 8, am mai scapat cateva si am mai avut cateva atacuri nefinalizate. Toate au fost ELIBERATE!!

marți, 12 februarie 2013

Streamere pentru avat - Asp streamers

 Am legat niste streamere de  avat care sper ca imi vor aduce niste pesti sezonul care urmeaza. Culori diferite, unele lestate, altele nu. Vom vedea. Tight lines!!!!

So I tied some asp streamers in different colours . Some of them weighted some of them very light. We will see in the upcoming season.

miercuri, 6 februarie 2013

Step by Step- Flashback Nymph

1. Put a tungsten bead on the hook shank

2. Make a tail from some feather fibres

3. Secure a copper wire that will be the ribbing

4.Secure a clump of pheasant tail fibres

5.Make the body from the pheasant tail

6.Ribb the copper wire

7.Secure a thin piece of insect green flashback

8.Make a thorax from some UV dubbing. I used here a dark peacock colour

9.Bring back the flashback over the thorax and secure it near the bead

10.Use a marker to colour the thread to create a nice hotspot and whip finish